Professional Shady Grass Seed Mix


Specially Formulated for Quick Coverage and Long Lasting Lawn

Resists Drought, Insects and Disease

All Improved Varieties

Turf Line Shady Grass Seed Mixture contains a blend of two Turf-Type Perennial Rye grasses for rapid germination and establishment as well as a blend of 3 types of Fine Fescues for the best shade tolerance and attractiveness available. Seeds are all improved varieties that will resist drought, insects and disease. Shady Mixture is packaged in 3lb. and 10 lb. stay-fresh, re-closeable bags.

25% Intrigue Chewings Fescue

25% Boreal Creeping Red Fescue

20% Firefly Hard Fescue

15% Pizzazz Perennial Ryegrass

15% Kokomo II Perennial Ryegrass